Friday 23 December 2016

23/12/16: Abandoned playing card #10: queen of clubs

Oakleigh Road North, N20. "But what does the Queen of clubs mean?" I hear you ask. According to the internet: "The Queen of Clubs is the card of high intuition, knowledge and mental balance. The Queen of Clubs represents the receptive principle of man's spiritual nature. They are not students in this life. They have close contact with higher forces of Intelligence; spirituality expressed in balance, wisdom and logic. They don't formulate judgments with emotions, but rather use their brain... People are often drawn to the Queen of Clubs for advice and assistance. There is a need to cultivate tolerance, and be more patient with those who are not as advanced and progressive. Queen Of Clubs can be impatient and might be tempted to rule through the weight of their crown than through their authority of wisdom and ability."

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