Wednesday 22 April 2020

22/04/20: Abandoned playing card #20: three of spades

Totteridge. According to the internet: "Those born on a Three of Spade day find help from strong women. This is one of their blessings, and it is wise for the 3 of Spade to align themselves with women business associates, doctors, teachers or healers.

All 3 of Spade have strong magnetic personalities and they are quick to offer a helping hand. Disappointments in relationships are usually the result of misunderstandings over money. Best-case scenario for the 3 of Spade, “neither a lender nor a borrower be…”

Another karmic challenge for the 3 of Spade is worrying about who said what and to whom. While they can find themselves the subject of gossip or scandals, they must take care not to speak ill of others. As always - what goes around, comes around! And this is especially true for the 3♠."

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