Tuesday 30 December 2014

30/12/14: Abandoned Total Recall

VHS videotape, Swiss Cottage. Post-It note reads "James". Was James the former owner of the tape? Or is the note a reminder of who the tape was borrowed from? In the case of the latter, the need for the scrawled aide-mémoire would suggest a lack of "total recall". And either way, James doesn't have his film any more.

Monday 29 December 2014

29/12/14: Abandoned Xmas tree

You know Christmas is really over when you start seeing these dumped in the street. This was next to the High Road in Whetstone. Another sign of the holiday season turning sour is the ambulance speeding past.

Thursday 25 December 2014

25/12/14: Abandoned iPhone

Whetstone High Road, Christmas day. The glass frontage was really smashed up and the screen display was doing all sorts of colourful things.

Monday 22 December 2014

22/12/14: Abandoned cassette #2

This mud-caked cass was the second fun find of an otherwise joyless chilly winter walk in Brook Farm Open Space. It's also the second abandoned cassette found in the vicinity.

22/12/14: Abandoned trolley

Brook Farm Open Space. This toppled trolley has a fetching blue hue. Unusually, it did not seem affiliated to a particular supermarket.

Friday 14 November 2014

14/11/14: Abandoned glasses

Glasses knitted into fence, corner of Courthouse Road and Argyle Road, Finchley, N12.

Thursday 13 November 2014

13/11/14: Abandoned fire extinguisher

Near Warren Street tube station. The little guy was pretending to be the same as the big guy, but no one was convinced.

Friday 7 November 2014

07/11/14: Abandoned spy thriller

Robert Harris – An Officer and a Spy, on Tottenham Court Road recycling bin outside Warren Street tube station. "In the hunt for a spy, he exposed a conspiracy" etc. Was it left there by an actual spy?

Thursday 6 November 2014

06/11/14: Abandoned Trollope

Joanna Trollope novel A Spanish Lover abandoned in Totteridge. Cover no longer attached. What's it about? "Lizzie is the twin who has everything, husband, children, a flourishing career and a beautiful house and worries about Frances, who seems to lead a solitary life in London ricocheting from one disastrous man to the next."

Thursday 16 October 2014

16/10/14: Abandoned Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying was left on a recycling bin on Tottenham Court Road this morning. Recycling as metaphor for reincarnation?

Thursday 9 October 2014

08/10/14: Abandoned platforms

Finchley Central tube station platform in the rain.

Friday 3 October 2014

03/10/14: Abandoned Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan’s MTV Unplugged CD was released on 2nd May 1995. On 3rd October 2014, I spied this ancient poster revealed in the building works at Tottenham Court Road tube station – a glimpse of almost 20 years ago.

Friday 26 September 2014

26/09/14: Abandoned cassette

Found at Brook Farm Open Space, N20. This abandoned cassette – labelled “TDK CDing 2 90” – was originally displayed on the Abandoned CDs page, owing to its loose connection with that other abandoned music format (and, in this, case presumably intended for recording CDs onto tape). But this page now seems a more sensible resting place.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Wednesday 27 August 2014

27/08/14: Abandoned robot massage machine

See the robot head? Like a Transformer, this robot is a massage machine in disguise. Imagine a whole army of these taking over North London, and then the world. 

Monday 6 January 2014

06/01/14: Abandoned wall

It's time for Taiwan, as this tube poster conclusively proves.